Sunday 26 April 2015

There's no place like home.

Many of my friends both in real life and on Facebook have seen my latest finished cross-stitch. What initially attracted me to this design was the bright contrast between Dorothy's red shoes and the various greys that make up her legs. There were about 50 shades of grey too...or so it seemed to me by the time I'd finished!

As many of my friends know, I have been recently going through a bit of a battle with depression and anxiety and, while I still have my own flat, I have actually been living back at my parents house for the past couple of months. Initially, it was the only way my Mum could guarantee I would eat and get out of bed some days.

In finishing 'Dorothy' and receiving praise from people who saw it, I reflected on the words 'there's no place like home'. 

I am a 'home girl' - always have been, always will be. I make no excuse for this and don't have any desire to be any different. I wasn't nicknamed 'Boomer-Anna' for nothing when I was at Uni! Apart from this recent 'blip' with my mental health, and even while in the throws of battling it at its worse, I live independently. I rent a flat, run a car, pay bills, budget and save for the usual things. As the 90's girl band Destiny's Child would say 'I depend on me.' But, just for the moment, I am receiving what I call 'care in the community' at my parents house.

Sometimes, when my brain starts being difficult, I need more support from the people who know me the best - my family and close friends. And I relish in the fact that I have such a wonderful support network - one close friend who I saw yesterday often comments on how close I am to my family and I LOVE THAT FACT! Even when my depression and anxiety are securely in their box, I love spending time with those people that I feel 100% myself with and who I know will accept me no matter what state I'm in - happy, smiley Anna as well as withdrawn, quiet Anna (usually with a good dose of red puffy eyes thrown in for good measure).

So while, as Dorothy reminds us, there is no place like home, for me home doesn't necessarily have to be a building. Yes, we all need a place to call home; somewhere we can sleep, eat and wash. But 'home' can also be felt when in the company of those who mean the most to us, no matter the geography.